Old Rae Home

Old Rae Home

 Old Rae Home   The first time I visited the home of John Rae on Orkney was in the spring.  We had to walk through fields of yellow flowers to get to the home.  The beauty of this moment has remained firmly in my memory. Artist: Sheena Fraser McGoogan Medium:...
Beautiful Stromness

Beautiful Stromness

Stromness, Orkney The waterfront in Stromness, Orkney has many historic homes. I could not resist painting this scene with the gorgeous reflections dancing on the water. Artist: Sheena Fraser McGoogan Medium: Acrylic on canvas Dimensions:  24″x24″...
Fields and Sheep

Fields and Sheep

Fields and Sheep A good friend of ours drove us around the island to see the historic sites.  This is a painting of one of the many interesting stops along the way.  Always a good time with Tom!   Artist: Sheena Fraser McGoogan Medium: Acrylic on canvas...
Home of John Rae

Home of John Rae

Home of John Rae   Here is a close up of the home of John Rae…this time with dancing flowers and purple sky.  I have been very lucky to visit this home many, many times.     Artist: Sheena Fraser McGoogan Medium: Acrylic on canvas...
Home and laundry

Home and laundry

Dundas House-William Tomison South Ronaldsay   This is a painting of the home of William Tomison. He worked for the Hudson Bay Company in Canada.  He is buried in a tomb on the property. I had to capture the laundry blowing in the sea breezes.   Artist:...